About Us

About Us

The core of the name Hilf Al Fudul Charity Australia is ‘Hilf Al Fudul’. Hilf Al Fudul was an organization established in Makkah in which Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) played a central role in his youth. The organization aimed to establish rights for disadvantaged people through ensuring social justice. Following the example of Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) we want to promote and nurture selfless volunteer spirit and contribute to developing just, resilient, self-dependent communities in Australia and beyond. We promote learning and teaching of ‘Hikmah’ (Soft Skills) as narrated in Al-Baqara, verses 151 and 269 through sharing intellectual and professional knowledge and expertise. In this way we can have more people of wisdom in the societies which Allah and prophet love most. People of wisdom are open minded who cooperate with one another in good deeds, justice, and mutual benefits for humanity. Our target is to develop sustainable societies through occupational training and income generating projects. Our inspiration comes from the Sunnah of the prophet who always encouraged people to earn and contribute to support others so that everyone can become self-reliant and independent. We just don’t want to give food, rather we want to train people in professional skills so that they can earn their own food and help others become self-dependent. We want to create an environment of cooperation and collaboration through practicing ‘Ihsan’ (perfection” and “excellence), one of the most beautifying characteristics of the Prophet of Allah and through exercising personal attributes that would enable us to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people. We therefore are A Virtuous Alliance for Benevolence Leading the Pathway to Justice and Equity We promote an environment of “Righteous People, Good Work, Great Outcomes where Quality Care Matters’ ‘ Let’s join hands together to make this effort a global phenomenon. You are most welcome!